
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We All Choose With Our Words and Actions...To Either Cut Ourselves Off...or Be Free Indeed AS ur Hearts Kneel

Anyone who chooses to live a lie even for a day...
Must be endowed with an extraordinary memory.
We all remember Pinochio whose nose grew each longer and longer...
Each time he told an even bigger lie to conceal the lie he told to conceal the lie even before that one....
We also recall the old woman who swallowed a fly..and though none of us ever figured out why she swallowed the spider to catch the fly nor any of the subsequent creatures to catch the previous one she so foolishly swalled in the first place!
We all perish when we lack knowledge...
Whether we make assumptions based on what we hear without considering the source;
Do we take the word of a self-justified man who has lied to hide his scarlet sins that were minor until he began denyinf truths he could have been honored through had he not swallowed the devils mosr deceptive lie of all. 
Devil: says: " Honorable men have never you better not ever go to Sacrament of Penance/Reconciliation ever again!"
 Sadly many have traveled a much more difficult road carrying his compounded sins his or her entire lives...60, 70, 80 years and more.
What a patient and generous God have we.
HE longs for each heart to come to HIM is HIS Holy will not even the most stuborn lost and burn in fire eternally.
Do we seek God's Holy Face...or seek to rule with an iron hand...arrogantly!
Saying "I am never going to church...but I HAVE CHANGED!"
No one can change themselves...even if they desire to live differently than their past.
For not anyone with years of unrepented sin.....can find common ground to even enjoy reminicing about any part of their lives.
As God's Holy Word says:  "The wicked defined as anyone who denies Jesus Christ is Lord...and HIS Righteous little ones who are only righteous because they go to confession and are washed with HIS Most Precious Blood. 
A new creation they they seek HIM with all their heart and are free because they live by HIS laws which keep them pure and assured...
HIS pressence never leaves them...but protects and sheilds them...
So they never are comparing themselves to others they want to stand next to in honor...
They are secure and happy being who they are.
So wil you be the one....who hears and answers HIS voice calling to thy heart to come home?
Come home to the peace that surpasses all understanding...
Receive the freedom that comes through repentance which is admittance to the flock that is always free indeed without needs HE does not meet.

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