From the moment we wake and open our mouth for the first time in the morning, we set the mood that our entire day will follow.
If as soon as we open our eyes we choose to think about and grumble over a task or problem we must face...
We actually cause our day to be filled with tensions instead of accomplishments and our day wears us down brutally more than need be.
When we choose...and this is fundamental...the way we view anything and everything is a choice.
Some choose to see everything as half empty where others see a half full glass or cereal bowl as a blessing and a joy...for otherwise they would be hungrier than some who have eaten far more than they should...
We can choose to start our day with grumble....but this always brings the thunder and rumble of irratation in those subject to hear and endure your grumblings of complaints!
Though then you may faint when your complaints never cease but become an infectious disease that not even you can any longer control....
Faint not will thee when instead you choose peace...kind honeycomb words not just to and of others but to thyself.
More often or not those who get into trouble would have never in their life had a problem they could not solve...
Had they never in the first place ever allowed their mouth to be negative or critical for their first time.
We cannot choose in all circumstances...though even when things are simply dropped or forced upon us...we can choose to make them more difficult our carefully choosing the words we speak that could form a trap for ourselves from which there may be no way out.
So let us each from this moment on...choose not to bind ourselves within prisons of our own making which we will be held accountable for on the Last Day...
Rather let us speak honeycomb words that build fine character in all....both those we are speaking to and well as ourselves...and speak no more harshness anywhere anytime...Instead ask God to place on our lips direction we may need to give another...but which is kind.
And thus you and I...and each and everyone who does...will with each kind, compassionate word...even compassionate correction...direction...will break chains that have bound all in the prisons of their own making.
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